Giegerich Orthodontics

Call Us: 609.652.1900

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you and your child can have
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Kids Orthodontics: More Effective Treatment at Lesser Cost

In the past orthodontic braces had a bad rap and for various reasons. For one, they look ugly. The cumbersome metallic material can also be very uncomfortable inside the mouth. But with today's technology, braces have now developed into an esthetically pleasing and effective solution for orthodontic problems; not to mention more comfortable and affordable.

The stigma of inconvenience and discomfort brought about by orthodontic braces is long gone. Outdated metal brackets have been replaced by newer technology. Long-lasting wires and virtually invisible material are used as a standard in today's industry.

Wearing braces has been highly recommended by the American Association of Orthodontists for children aged 7 and above. However, an orthodontic screening must first be conducted to determine whether immediate treatment is necessary to prevent complications. Another reason for that is to estimate costs and assess options for the child's orthodontic health.

The Columbus Dispatch wrote that the cost of a typical set of braces will range from $4,800 to $6,000. For kids under 19 years old, dental insurance will generally offset a part of the costs. But industry experts agree that the cost of orthodontic treatment among adults is far more expensive.

Accordingly, braces and other treatment solutions for orthodontic problems would cost much less when started early. In fact, treatment of dental problems like malocclusion and misalignment of teeth due to bite or jaw abnormalities is much more effectively dealt with during childhood. At the same time, it would cost much less when treatment is started early. Experts agree it could be one of the best bargains in orthodontic treatment.


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