Giegerich Orthodontics

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The Latest in Orthodontic Braces

According to Peter M. Spalding, DDS, the determination of which orthodontic treatment option is right for you greatly depends on the level of correction required for the disorder. An associate professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center's College of Dentistry, he elaborates that your choice of braces hinges on your treatment needs.

With the latest advancements in orthodontic braces and the availability of numerous options, you might be left asking, What orthodontic solution is right for me? Here are your options:

Conventional Metal Braces

Traditional orthodontic braces are made of stainless steel. This can be quite bulky and inconvenient. Dr. Spalding expounds that this type of brace works well because its wires properly guide the teeth to where they should be positioned.

Ceramic Brackets

Esthetically, ceramic brackets are better than stainless steel braces since the former blend perfectly with the teeth. Because they are white or clear, these brackets are less noticeable. The wires that hold the brackets, however, may still be visible. Also, because they are not as durable as steel, bracket wires tend to be more brittle and can easily break if you bite down on them.

Lingual Braces

Attached behind the teeth, lingual braces are also virtually imperceptible. These dental appliances are quite effective at straightening teeth. The downside, however, is that wearing them may cause discomfort. It may take a while for you to adapt to these braces; in the meantime, speaking or eating can be challenging with these braces on.

Invisible or Clear Aligners

Want another option to virtually imperceptible brackets? You could consider invisible or clear aligners. Invisalign is one of the popular brands. These dental appliances are removable, making it convenient for you to eat, brush and floss. Unfortunately, this type of dental appliance is primarily designed for minor orthodontic issues only. What's more, correcting these minor conditions may take between one and three years when you use invisible or clear aligners.

Wondering what works well for your orthodontic issue? Speak with an orthodontist.


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